Tuesday, January 24, 2006

January 24th

Well, Tucker and Mady are back in Ridgecrest Hospital. They were discharged on Sunday, but back the next day. They don't seem to want to breathe on their own, but they seem to be doing much better today. They had to put Mady's IV in her head because she kept pulling the one in her arm out.

Hudson and Hunter are still in Loma Linda. They have improved a little bit, but they are still not very stable. The doctors are hoping to remove their breathing tubes in a couple days. Kelli and Dennis returned to Ridgecrest on Sunday, but are back in Loma Linda today. They will probably be back in Ridgecrest again on Thursday for the Pickle's birthday. Dylan Thomas will be 3 on the 26th!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Thursday Evening Update

Hudson and Hunter are still in Loma Linda, but are beginning to show signs of improvement. Hudson has been taken off of the "super" ventilator, and Hunter is not retaining as much fluid as earlier. They did find a second hole in Hunter's heart, but it is repairable and will be taken care of later. It is not the doctors' main concern at this time. Both babies are still sedated and will most likely be in the hospital in Loma Linda for another week.

Tucker and Madyson have handled the RSV much better. They are still being monitored at Ridgecrest Hospital, but we are told that they should be able to go home tomorrow. They are both eating very well. We also got some good news earlier today. The doctors can no longer hear Madyson's heart murmer. We can't know for sure whether the valve has closed on its own until some tests are done, but this is a good sign.

Please continue to pray for Kelli and Dennis, as they will be traveling back and forth to spend time with all of their children. Pray for those who are helping to take care of their other children in Kelli's and Dennis's absence. Pray for Blake and Dylan- it is difficult for them to understand what is going on and to be away from their parents so much. And pray for these precious babies. They have made it this far and still have quite a journey ahead of them. May God continue to watch over them and give them strength.
The Sarrett Family thanks you for your prayers and support.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Please Pray. . .

Please pray for the quads, especially Hudson and Hunter. On Tuesday, Kelli and Dennis took the babies to AV Hospital for their checkup. They were concerned for Hunter because he had not been eating well and was very lethargic. The doctors suspected a virus and flew him out to Loma Linda. There, they discovered he had RSV. Hudson was not eating very well either, but he was sent home, along with Madyson and Tucker, with Grandma, while Kelli and Dennis drove to Loma Linda to be with Hunter.

Tuesday night Hudson's condition worsened. He frequently stopped breathing and was taken to the emergency room. Early this morning, he was flown to Loma Linda. Both babies are sedated and breathing with ventilators. The most recent test on Hunter showed a hole or holes in his heart, which they may or may not have already known about.

Madyson and Tucker were admitted to Ridgecrest Regional Hospital this morning where they will be monitored by doctors. It is likely that they have RSV as well. There is nothing that can be given to them to help- they just have to fight through it on their own.

Please pray for all four babies, that they will have the strength to get through this. Pray for the doctors, that they will have the wisdom to make the right decisions concerning the babies' care. Pray for the family, that God will wrap his arms around them, giving them peace and comfort at such a frightening time.

Hunter Blaine

Hudson Wayne

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Madyson Catherine June

Tucker Boston

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

(L-R) Tucker, Hunter, Hudson, Madyson (front)
In most pictures of all 4 babies, they will be in birth order:
Tucker, Madyson, Hunter, Hudson.

Home at Last

At top, Dr. Thangaval, the Quad's pediatrician at AV Hospital says goodbye to Mady. Home, at last, the babies snuggle together in a crib in the front room. (We think Mady is going to need her own crib soon. She's been taking up more than her half out of the middle and her brother's aren't too happy about that. ) Above, Kelli holds Madyson and Tucker on the way out of the hospital yesterday. People at the hospital thought the "twins" were so cute. . . if they only knew. . .

Tucker Boston Sarrett
6 pounds 3 ounces

Madyson Catherine June Sarrett
5 pounds 7 ounces

Hudson Wayne Sarrett
5 pounds 4 ounces

Hunter Blaine Sarrett
5 pounds 4 ounces

(top) 1- Uncle Preston comparing diaper sizes
2- Grandma admiring Princess Mady
3- Big brothers, Blake and Dylan, with Madyson
4- Jessica Lenderman with Madyson

Uncle Preston, Dylan, and Aunt Marilyn

Tucker Boston was the first to come home on Monday, January 2. However, on Friday he was flown back to Antelope Valley after some concerns over his oxygen levels. The doctors checked him out and found everything to be great. He got to take another trip home with his sister on Monday, January 9.

At top, Aunt Cathy feeds Hudson. Above, identical twins, Hunter and Hudson.

There's always plenty of arms around for changing, feeding, and cuddling!